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I Don t Really Wanna Fall in Love Again Braids Lyrics

When Information technology's All Over Nosotros Still Take to Clear Upwardly Album

Creative person(s): Snow Patrol

Embrace Art

Snow Patrol When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up Cover Art


Never Gonna Fall in Honey Again

length: ii:xi
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marker McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Something snapped me out of a dream that I was having
I'd fall down an elevator shaft but now I'k dorsum again
Tidying up after the fight nosotros had
Happy with yourself?

Well, you've never looked so satisfied
Teasing me with stuff like a spoiled lilliputian brother
You finished yet?

Have you got what you really want?

Ask Me How I Am

length: 2:35
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Has nobody asked you how you are?
You look similar yous might not concluding the twenty-four hour period
I wouldn't have fabricated information technology very far
Then we'd make a good team right abroad

I've not made amends for yesterday
My lip won't get me out of it
Waking upwards dreading hearing tales
Of all of my nightmares existence true

Has nobody asked y'all how you are?
You lot wait like you might not last the day
I wouldn't have fabricated it very far
So we'd make a skilful team right away

I've non made amends for yesterday
My lip won't go me out of it
Waking up dreading hearing tales
Of all of my nightmares being true

I take a jiff and grab the phone
Secretly hoping you're not domicile
I'd leave a bulletin, I was out
Out of my mind on drink and drugs

Making Enemies

length: 4:20
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

We're just waiting for our man
To come through with a plan
Of how the hell we plow this 'round
And dig ourselves out of the ground

Nosotros don't really desire to know
The things yous merits to know
It could fall around our ears
Might not hurt for years and years

We're just waiting for our man
To come up through with a plan
Of how the hell we turn this 'circular
And dig ourselves out of the ground

We don't really want to know
The things you lot merits to know
It could fall around our ears
Might not injure for years and years

We're just waiting, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
We're merely waiting, yeah, yeah, yeah, yep
We're just waiting, yeah, yeah, yeah, aye
We're just waiting, yep, aye, yeah, yep
We're just waiting, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
We're just waiting, yeah, yeah, yes, yeah
Nosotros're but waiting, yep, yes, yes, yeah

We're just waiting for our man, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes,
To come through with a plan
Of how the hell we turn this 'round, yeah, yes, yes, yeah
And dig ourselves out of the basis

We don't really desire to know, yeah, aye, aye, aye
The things you claim to know
It could autumn around our ears, yeah, yeah, yeah, yep
Might not hurt for years and years

Nosotros're just waiting for our man, yep, yep, yeah, aye,
To come through with a plan
Of how the hell nosotros turn this 'round, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And dig ourselves out of the basis

We don't really desire to know, yeah, aye, yeah, yep
The things you claim to know
It could fall around our ears, yeah, yeah, aye, yeah
Might not injure for years and years

Blackness and Blue

length: 3:twoscore
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marker McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Claret reddish lips similar soft intentions
Kiss my eyes, they're black and blue
Fifty-fifty if I shouldn't be here
I cannot assistance myself with you lot
There's something that I should accept told yous
Nosotros won't get a second chance
Just ane night is all we'll spend
Together and it's killing me
She rescues me

Last Ever Lone Gunman

length: 2:43
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

This heart break is never ending
Information technology's like it never happened
A fall from grace is close
Why not speed it upward?

I've never been so angry
To notice out that I failed
It didn't fifty-fifty piece of work
I have to brand apology
I shot him from the window
The globe just held it's breath

And I made my escape
Every bit if no-one could see
I took off in my pick-up
Kids screaming in the back seat

They heard the shots too
And screamed cause that's their way
I do it alright in my own way
Nosotros've all got bigger plans
But when it comes down to it

Mine might save the globe
At least for i more day
Don't estimate me from your sofas
On TV things don't ever come up across so true
They're made upward in your minds

If I'd Establish the Right Words to Say

length: 4:48
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Marker McClelland, Jonny Quinn, Gary Lightbody
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Right about now if I'd institute the right words to say
I'd tell you you lot're safe and accept concur of your paw
I'll be there by your side for the rest of your life
Our bodies could fall off the end of the world

Something told me nosotros'd be happy forever
I don't see how this could change any of that
I volition follow your ghost equally it climbs up the rockface
And lie with you on the grass above

And I'd similar to change all this
And I'd similar to wake up from this
By your side

How did we ever survive for this length of time
Living with merely a intendance in the world
But the light that shines from her whenever she'due south happy
Is worth every minute that we've saved ourselves

Maybe at that place'due south hope in just i concluding 2d
A wink of her love as she waves us bye
Don't torture yourself with what we might accept given
We did everything that we could ever practise

And I'd like to change all this
And I'd similar to wake up from this
By your side

Batten Down the Hatch

length: 3:30
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Crossbar down the hatch
'Cause we're all coming in
Like uninvited guests
Romancing everything
Keep your hands away
From what yous tin't beget
We don't think that we'll stay
Now that yous look bored

God only knows
What Brian Wilson meant
Pick out your clothes
With some existent intent
You don't seem to intendance
That I've been waiting here
Pulling out my hair
For you to come up
My dear

I'll go all the way
Equally long as you go first
Running all this mode
Has given me a thirst
Believe in what you desire
As long every bit y'all can encounter
What'southward right in front of you
I guess that that's but me


One Night Is Not Enough

length: 3:23
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marking McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

You left your door wide open
Couldn't aid simply walk in
Information technology's the last identify I should be
But I'one thousand dying to see you
Have I held out for something
That is never going to happen?

It'south not me that y'all love
You lot woke up common cold this morning time
Shied away from my touch
I would never mean to injure you
Cause I dear you and so much
Was it always simply one night
That you every wanted from me?

It's not me that you lot love

Chased by… I Don't Know What

length: two:41
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marking McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

And I'll come running for my life
Scramble through these greasy pathways
I can't look upwardly for fear of forward
I hear your words reverberate

An easy ride is all you said I was

Please try to control your feelings
Information technology doesn't brand me want you lot more than
I'thousand terrified by every vacant
Glance yous shoot across my way


length: ii:40
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marker McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

I couldn't believe what I was seeing
Faces all screwed upwards like what I'd done
I didn't mean to hurt yous and then much
I knew it would hurt you lot but not similar this

We all make a mess from fourth dimension to time, dear
But information technology'll accept me a lifetime to get this cleared
Somebody muttered something under their breath
But I let on similar I was a little deaf

Nobody'southward perfect, that's what I say
No ane has hurt me then much y'all say
I'g distressing

Running away seemed like the like shooting fish in a barrel
Thing to practise considering I wanted time
To put a smile back on my dirty confront
For once zippo'south missing and I feel fine

I was afraid to tell you some things
Just some things all observe a fashion to get told
Hearing it from the lips of somebody else
Must have knocked the wind out of your sweetness face

[Chorus: x2]

An Olive Grove Facing the Sea

length: 5:19
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marker McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Sworn to secrecy
I might get afterward school
She was an angel
I saw her swimming at that place
I am in such a mess
I can't cope without this
She merely teases me
Pretends she tin can't see me here

So let me go up there
I can exhale fresh air
Lie with y'all all nighttime
Only permit me love you lot

Only for a while or two
Be with y'all all night
Be with y'all all night
Until I autumn asleep
Until I fall asleep
Until I fall asleep
Until I fall asleep

Simply merely permit me be here
I won't tell anyone
I don't want to wake upwardly
I don't want to wake up

The blind lead the blind
So I can't help find my mode
This could be sky
I don't know where I am
I am also frightened
To come up out from behind hither
My body is agonized
It feels like it's wearing me

So allow me go up there
I can breathe fresh air
Lie with you all dark
Just allow me dear you
Simply for a while or two
I don't want to wake up
I don't want to wake upwards
Just let me fall comatose

Only let me fall asleep
Only permit me autumn asleep
Simply let me fall comatose

But just let me be here
I won't tell anyone
I don't desire to wake upwards
I don't desire to wake upward

Cheers to Chelsea for the correction

When It's All Over Nosotros Nonetheless Take to Clear Up

length: 3:18
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

You're non fair
Telling me
You faked every orgasm
You lot've had with me
That's just fine
Now it's over
And I'm out here
Banging my head
Subsequently all the dancing
And spilling beer all over the place

I lie out here
In disgrace
You've had your fun
Kissed some bloke you lot shouldn't accept

Correct in forepart of me
Punched him to the floor
I could accept killed him there
But I got thrown out
I'll get him some other fourth dimension
When he leasts expects it

Make Love to Me Forever

length: 2:56
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Marking McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

It took half the time
I am still afraid
So stay by my side
And agree on to my hand
Try to teach me that
I'm alright, I guess
Merely there'southward so much wrong
But at that place'southward so much right
I judge we'll agree
To differ on one thing


length: 3:53
producer: Michael Brennan Jr.
composer: Gary Lightbody, Mark McClelland, Jonny Quinn
lyricist: Gary Lightbody

Fire lite, burn down light, burn, niggling burn calorie-free
We won't get much sleep
Reaching out to touch more than I should have
Beloved my uncomplicated life
I will stay right here
